Friday 28 March 2014

pre inspection call

first most important is the call... ask the owner about the bikes/cars condition, a good way to judge is by asking this question,, if the bike was a hundred points when new ,how many points would it have now,if they answer 80 out of 100 this will give you some clearer idea of condition. if travel distance to view is far,or owners are reluctant to divuldge further .you may want to break this down further and ask about each section of the bike...example tires 100 new now 90. chain and sprokets new 100 now 80 paint new 100 now 90 and ask why its 90 percent ,,has the engine been worked on,what if anything does the bike need can not ask enough questions so so many times i have looked at things for sale and whished id asked a few more questions before driveing across town all hot to see someing its not...So many sellers tell you as little as possible hopeing your dumbfool enough just to buy it when u get there

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